Friday, November 9, 2018

Snow and Pumpkins!

We knew it was coming, and true to forecast the ground was covered with light snow this morning, the first we've had this winter. For some of us, the first we've seen at Prairie Hill.

The Jack-o-lanterns still decorating our land and buildings (see the one on the retaining wall above), have a white cap. But they remind us of our first Halloween just a week ago:

Scary faces lined Prairie Hill Lane, luring trick-or-treaters to the common house.

"Prairie Bill" showed the way.

Here are some of the Halloween Team:
Val, Donna, Marcia, Craig, and
Prairie Bill behind.

Michele easily won the Best Costume award

For our first year in residence on Halloween, our turn-out was small but happy. Three families. Next year we'll hope for more. In the meantime, it was fun for us!