From the beginning of our project, I heard the phrase "infill development" used in reference to our prospective community at Prairie Hill. It made me think of using dirt to fill a hole, and though I was wrong about the dirt, I now realize that in a way we ARE filling in a hole, a hole in the network of housing and other buildings in the city. Until recently, the 8 acres we bought several years ago were used for farming, even though they are surrounded by housing neighborhoods. Our development of this property for more housing is good for the city because it is not contributing to urban sprawl, something that cannot be sustained indefinitely. Being an infill development is also good for us, the future occupants. For we have an easy connection to electricity, phone, sewer, water, and all those convenient amenities. Instead of bringing these services for miles to a rural setting, they are all right at our doorstep. See the pictures below of yesterday's work, digging down to the old (close to 100 years old) sewer access and replacing it with new pipes that should last a long time!

One friendly worker told me that they estimated the old line was put in around 1930 and certainly it looked a little worse for wear (see below).
On Tuesday, the crew got the new piping covered on the east side of Miller Avenue (below).
And then they started digging a long trench on the west side of the road (Prairie Hill land). The road has been closed for the duration of this sewer work.
Here's a close-up shot of the huge shovel as it digs deeply right along our eastern perimeter.
Each day brings new progress. We make sure we stay out of the way of these hard-working men. But we can't help but keep watch as changes take place!
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