Below is our bioretention cell, a project combining the planning of our engineer and the construction by Forever Green landscapers. It has been waiting for plants for the past several months. Now, finally, a rich variety of plants chosen to do well in this wet and dry location has arrived and a team of us worked together on Friday morning to get these into the soil, right before the rain last night!
About Bioretention Cells:
Bioretention cells are landscaped depressions that capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces to reduce water pollution and stabilize stream flows. Beioretention cells have an engineered and constructed sub-grade to ensure adequate percolation of captured runoff.
Bioretention cells can be used in most settings, including parking lots and residential areas, where soils don't adequately drain. They use plants that can tolerate a wide range of moisture conditions. Native plants are encouraged because they have deep roots and maintain soil quality and pore spaces.
Bioretention cells are landscaped depressions that capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces to reduce water pollution and stabilize stream flows. Beioretention cells have an engineered and constructed sub-grade to ensure adequate percolation of captured runoff.
Bioretention cells can be used in most settings, including parking lots and residential areas, where soils don't adequately drain. They use plants that can tolerate a wide range of moisture conditions. Native plants are encouraged because they have deep roots and maintain soil quality and pore spaces.
Craig watering the plants as they were ready.
David, Nan and Donna getting the plants in their proper places.
David has just finished planting Queen of the Meadow, and is getting ready to plant the next one.
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